Family Fun Day

Selected date

Saturday May 10

Other dates...
Selected time

10:00 AM  –  5:00 PM


Join us on the second Saturday of each month from 10am to 5pm, with activities from 11am to 4pm, for free things to do, learn, and experience with the whole family! Spend the afternoon exploring the history and culture of our vibrant city.


Have your E-ticket ready upon arrival to the museum for expediated check-in. 

Please review Visitor Guidelines prior to your visit.

Confirmation information and tickets will available via email. Please check you spam folder for an email from 

Interested in Membership? Join here!



To request materials in accessible format, sign language interpreters, and/or any disability accommodation, please contact Darianne Hernandez, Visitor Services Manager, at or call (305) 375-1651 at least two least two weeks in advance of your visit to initiate your request. TTY users may also call 711 (Florida Relay Service.)




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